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ShaMaran Petroleum Corp.

ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. is a Canadian independent oil and gas company focused on the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

The Company indirectly holds an 18% working interest (22.5% paying interest) in the Sarsang Block and, subject to closing the recently announced transaction, will increase its indirect 27.6% working interest in the Atrush Block to 50%.

The Company is listed in Toronto on TSX Venture Exchange and in Stockholm on Nasdaq First North Growth Market (ticker “SNM”). ShaMaran Petroleum is part of the Lundin Group of Companies.

CLICK HERE TO VISIT ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. website

Stock Information

  • Symbol SNM.V
    Last $
    Change ()
    Day Open $
    Day High $
    Day Low $
    Year High $
    Year Low $
    As of  July 27, 2024 00:09 am EDT
  • Symbol SNM.ST
    Last SEK 
    Change ()
    Day Open SEK 
    Day High SEK 
    Day Low SEK 
    Year High SEK 
    Year Low SEK 
    As of  July 27, 2024 00:09 am EDT

Group Total Market Cap

* July 2022 - Lundin Energy acquired by BP Aker