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Lundin Petroleum AB (Lundin Petroleum) is pleased to announce that the Annual and Sustainability Reports for 2018 have been published and are available to download on www.lundin-petroleum.com.

2018 was an outstanding year for Lundin Petroleum with the high quality asset base generating record high operating cash flow, EBITDA and free cash flow. The strong cash flow outlook for the next decade resulted in Lundin Petroleum announcing an attractive and sustainable updated dividend policy and the Board of Directors proposing a cash dividend for 2018 of USD 500 million, to be paid in quarterly instalments, to the 2019 Annual General Meeting. The aim is to increase this dividend as the business continues to grow.

Business success and responsible conduct go hand in hand. Lundin Petroleum’s commitment to safe and responsible practices coupled with industry leading low carbon operations are fundamental to delivering on our business model of creating long-term sustainable value for shareholders and society. Efforts continued in 2018 to reduce carbon emissions throughout the operations and Lundin Petroleum is proud to be best in class in this area with a low carbon intensity that is about a quarter of the industry world average. The Sustainability Report provides comprehensive information on Lundin Petroleum’s management and performance on climate change and other sustainability matters.

Both reports are available to download on www.lundin-petroleum.com. Shareholders who wish to receive a printed copy of the Annual Report can request it on the website or by telephone on +46 8 440 54 50.

Annual report 2018

Sustainability Report 2018

Group Total Market Cap

* July 2022 - Lundin Energy acquired by BP Aker