Explorers Builders Producers
Mining Energy Renewables

Project No Limit

Mount Everest Climb For Brain Cancer Research

Project No Limits Mt. Everest

To bring more awareness and publicity to funding brain cancer research, Jack and William Lundin are embarking on a momentous journey. They will be climbing Mount Everest guided by expert mountaineer, Nimsdai “Nims” Purja.

Every step of this journey will be in honour of their dad, Lukas Lundin, who passed away from Glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer, in July of last year. Not only is this climb a tribute to Lukas but it is also an initiative to raise funding and to support those that are still alive and battling this disease.

The climb will be filmed and made into a documentary about Lukas' inspiring life by the filmmakers of the Netflix documentary, "14 Peaks". The working title for the film about Lukas is "No Limit". Please click below to view the trailer.

video trailer image
Lukas Lundin

LUKAS H LUNDIN, 1958-2022

Lukas Lundin passed away at the age of 64 from glioblastoma, a form of brain cancer.

Funding the Very Best in Brain Cancer Research

There is a significant lack of funding and awareness about brain cancer. Lukas' sons, Harry, Adam, Jack, and William Lundin, want to honour their father by helping to bring awareness and to fund innovative, cutting-edge cancer research.

The first step was the establishment of the Lundin Family Brain Tumour Research Centre at the University Hospital in Lausanne, Switzerland (CHUV). Next, to further fund brain cancer research and also other cancer research, the Lundin family established the Lundin Cancer Fund. The Lundin family is committed to bringing about meaningful advances in cancer treatment and research and want those with cancer and their families to know that they are not alone – that someone is fighting on their behalf.

The mission of the fund is to finance the very best in cancer research around the world. The Lundin family are committed to raising awareness and funding, and to making high impact, results-oriented investments in cancer research. The fund will encourage international collaboration and sharing of scientific data.

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*Charitable tax receipts will be issued upon donation

Wire Transfer

Donations in Lukas’ memory:

The Lukas Lundin & Family Brain Tumour Research Center
Fondation CHUV (in memory of Lukas Lundin)
Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
IBAN: CH14 0076 7000 T525 3600 1
Clearing : 767

Group Total Market Cap

* July 2022 - Lundin Energy acquired by BP Aker